For this week’s challenge Felix Ledóchowski and I designed this rather simple joke-game that toys with the notion of the chain-mail-bikini and sexualising tropes in video-games. It’s strongly inspired by the Oglaf strips (*snicker*) “New Model Army”.
In it your orcish barbarians fight against the enemy one-by-one. To dominate (*snicker*) the enemy, you need to pick from a set of suggestive garments. This allows your warrior to distract the enemy and raise your troops morale. You always see your own barbarians fetishes (e.g. glasses) beforehand, and the enemies distracting element (e.g. g-string tanga) once they come up and have a limited time to gear-up your warrior for battle. Distraction-bonues come to bear directly in the same fight, whereas inspiration is an investment into future pairings.
To beat as many opponents as possible you should be quick with matching the inspiring and distracting fetishes as well as making simple tactical decisions (distract now or inspire for later?).
Philipp’s feedback was to include some kind of higher-level storyline to keep it interesting over longer periods of time.